by Joanie Connell | Jul 30, 2020 | Assessment, Blog, Remote Management
Are you starting to see the long-term effects of remote work? From what I’ve seen, some organizations are achieving great results, some adapted well at first and are now running into challenges, and others are struggling. This is not surprising. I conducted several...
by Joanie Connell | Jun 21, 2020 | Blog, Diversity and Inclusion
It’s taken me a while to write this blog about racism because I really didn’t know what to write. I had so many things to say but I was afraid to say the wrong thing. I am not alone. I hear this a lot, especially among white people who are in support...
by Joanie Connell | May 15, 2020 | Blog, Employee Engagement and Retention, Remote Management
Help! My employees are experiencing quarantine fatigue! My employees are disengaging! How do I motivate my team remotely? Shortly after school went online, my daughter said to me, “They’ve taken away all the good stuff from school and made the bad stuff even...
by Joanie Connell | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog, Flexible Work, Remote Management
With schools closing down and workplaces going online, many of us are finding ourselves in uncharted territory. It’s not just that we have to work from home, but we have to do it with our kids running around the house. The fact is you’re going to be more distracted...
by Joanie Connell | Mar 8, 2020 | Blog, Flexible Work, Leadership, Remote Management
How do you lead your employees who work from home? How do you manage a virtual team? What are the best virtual communication hacks? Two important challenges arise when we ask our employees to work from home. First is the technology challenge and...