by Joanie Connell | Mar 8, 2023 | Blog, Employee Engagement and Retention, Managing Change, Resilient, Values
Research has shown that separation between work and life can be very important for health and wellness, as well as for work and life satisfaction. When people work from home, the separation disappears. People may end up working in the kitchen or bedroom. Kids or other...
by Joanie Connell | Jan 19, 2022 | Careers, Managing Change, REAL Life Skills, Resilient, Women Leaders
Lessons from the workplace come in many forms. Most often we learn from experience, but when we’re lucky and we’re really paying attention, we can learn from the wisdom and role modeling of others. One of the most important lessons from the workplace is that people...
by Joanie Connell | Dec 13, 2021 | Blog, Empowered, Managing Change, REAL Life Skills, Resilient, Values, Women Leaders
I’d like to take a moment to expand your thinking on what a gift is. It started with a conversation with someone who told me she had cancer. It was a heart wrenching story, yet this was one of the most positive conversations I have had in a long time. She was laughing...
by Joanie Connell | Feb 9, 2021 | Blog, Coaching and Mentoring, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Managing Change
Will people think I don’t know what I’m doing if they know I have a coach? Why would a CEO need a coach? Does it look bad to have a coach? It used to be perceived that having a coach meant you had something wrong with you or that you were being punished by...
by Joanie Connell | Mar 7, 2018 | Generations, Life Change, Managing Change, REAL Life Skills
Listen to Joanie Connell’s twisty turny career path from engineering to psychology and more. Virginia Muzquiz interviews Joanie on the Passion+Purpose=IMPACT podcast. Listen to the podcast here.
by Joanie Connell | Nov 29, 2017 | Flexible and Limber, Leadership, Managing Change, Podcast, Women Leaders
Joanie Connell hosts a Women Lead Radio interview with Marcia Daszko, author of SURVIVAL IS OPTIONAL: How Successful Leaders Disrupt, Pivot, and Adapt. Joanie asks Marcia how to improve performance by stopping the focus on the bottom line. Listen...