Lessons from a World Renowned Flutist

by | Jan 19, 2022 | Careers, Managing Change, REAL Life Skills, Resilient, Women Leaders

Lessons from the workplace come in many forms. Most often we learn from experience, but when we’re lucky and we’re really paying attention, we can learn from the wisdom and role modeling of others.

One of the most important lessons from the workplace is that people who take control of their own careers and reactions to situations at work are typically happier and get more of what they want. Conversely, people who wait around for others to promote them and react to unfortunate circumstances with a victim attitude more often end up bitter and resentful.

Dr. September Payne, a world renowned flutist, is a role model of resiliency and success. Early in her career, September climbed to the top of her profession and studied with the best flutists in the world. Sir James Galway said that “September is a creative and entrepreneurial artist whose academic work and performance standards are distinct and from the highest traditions.”  Then she faced what might be considered a flutist’s nightmare.

In this rare interview with September Payne, Joanie asks September about her life story and experiences as an entrepreneur in the field of music. Her story is riveting and an inspiration to people in all fields of work.

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